Gary Tuorto (IPED 2017) currently interns with the the United States Security and Exchange Commission in their Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE). OCIE administers the SEC’s examination and inspection program to protect investors. Examiners conduct examinations of the nation’s registered entities like broker-dealers, investment advisers and companies, and the national securities exchanges, among others.
Gary is a part of the Graduate Student Honors Program which is a 10-week program offered to current Graduate Students. During the Fall and Spring interns are required to work a total of 15 hours per week and full time in the summer. The internship is unpaid, as are most governmental positions, but the experience working at the SEC is invaluable.
Gary works in the Municipal Advisors area where his work includes examining both Municipal Advisors and Underwriters to insure no conflicts of interest arise and all regulatory requirements are upheld, reviewing both the Advisor and Underwriter’s municipal bond pricing reports and performing pricing regarding muni issuances, analyzing secondary market trading data for large deviations in initial offering prices/yields and for unusual transactions, and writing detailed reports which are sent to his supervisors.
Gary shares his experience on procuring his position with the SEC: “I found out about the internship through Apply to as many open positions as possible as there is no limit to the number of positions you may apply to and each division will interview the candidates they feel would best fit the position irrespective of whether or not another division is also interested in you. As such, you may find yourself interviewing for several different positions in different divisions at the same time which will increase your chances of securing an internship.”
While fulfilling his internship obligations, Gary is continuing his classes as a full-time student.