Internship Spotlight: Jack Brower interns at the U.S. Department of the Treasury

By Jack Brower

From April to August, I interned with the Treasury Department’s International Affairs Office.  I worked with economists from the Office of International Financial Markets (IFM).  This office focuses on coordinating various financial regulatory issues with domestic and international counterparts as well as monitoring the stability of the global financial system.  While all internships were remote, I still received guidance and a warm welcome from my Treasury colleagues.  Some highlights of my internship include researching and coordinating projects related to digital assets, specifically cryptocurrencies, central bank digital currencies, and cross-border payments.  

I also had the opportunity to provide background summaries and briefings for various international meetings like the G7 Finance Ministers Summit in May, the U.S.-India Financial Regulatory Dialogue, and U.S.-U.K. Innovation Partnership.  However, I feel most accomplished about the several memos I drafted as part of my assignment.  In fact, my informational memo on the Bank of England’s and European Central Bank’s digital currency projects underwent clearance for Secretary Yellen’s briefer while another memo I drafted on decentralized finance was the first memo on this topic at Treasury and was cleared for the Under Secretary of International Affairs. 

This internship experience furthered my writing skills as well as knowledge about international finance, especially regarding fintech and digital assets.  It dovetailed well with my desire to pursue a career in public service and expanded my professional network.  I look forward to hopefully landing a job with the federal government in similar capacity related to international economic affairs after graduation in December.