Climate Change and the UN Call to Action

On Wednesday, November 17th, 2021 the IPED program, in partnership with Fordham Students for Environmental Awareness and Justice (SEAJ), had the honor to host ambassador Selwin Hart as the guest lecturer for the Climate Change and the UN Call to Action event. Selwin Hart is Assistant Secretary General for the UN Climate Action team and Special Adviser to the UN Secretary-General on Climate Action.

Mr. Hart was formerly a Matteo Ricci Fellow at IPED while serving full-time as the First Secretary of the Permanent Mission of Barbados to the United Nations. After graduation he continued his career in diplomacy and was named Ambassador of Barbados to the United States and tot the Organization of American States. Ambassador Hart has also served as Climate Advisor for the Caribbean Development Bank, Chief Climate Negotiator for Barbados, and Coordinator and Lead Negotiator on Finance for the Alliance of Small Island Developing States.

During his lecture Mr. Hart spoke of the Glasgow climate negotiations that were happening earlier in the month which encompassed the ongoing goals of limiting the rise global temperatures to below 1.5 °C, pushing for developed nations to invest in uplifting the climate efforts of developing nations, and garnering support of countries already facing severe climate impacts.

Click here to read more about this event.