Spring 2021 Virtual Alumni Networking Day

By Kevin Strohm

On Thursday, March 25th, IPED hosted our annual alumni networking day. This year the event had to be virtual, but we used that to our advantage by having alumni from around the world join us for a great conversation. We split the event up into morning and evening sessions. Find the morning recording here, and evening recording here.

Morning Session:

Dr. S gave welcome remarks, followed by presentations from 4 alumni, and ending with Q&A between all the event participants.

The four alumni presenters were:

Evening Session:

Dr. S gave welcome remarks, followed by presentations from 3 alumni, and Q&A between all the event participants afterwords. The night ended with students being recognized for receiving summer funding and those who recently won prestigious awards.

The three alumni presenters were:

Thank you to all the alumni who participated in this event either as speakers or attendees, and to those alumni who donate their time in other ways to our students and program as a whole. We also want to thank alumni who continue to support our program financially. It is because of you that our students are able to complete amazing summer study and internship opportunities!

We look forward to seeing everyone in person as soon as we can!