IPED Summer Ventures

IPED students between their 1st and 2nd years completed various not-for profit, government, and private sector internships this summer.   Through the generous support of IPED alumni, several IPED students were also granted LISA’s (Language Immersion Scholarship Assistance) to student a foreign language outside of the United States.  Below is a list of the all the internship and language study placements from this summer:


Joshua Voges, ENDA Énergie (Senegal)                

Emily Kremser, Mercy Corps (Liberia)                

Camille Tacastacas, Cartwheel Foundation (Philippines), French Study (France)

Veronica Muoio, Humanitarian Research Services (Jordan)

Brian Strassburger, Jesuit Refugee Services (South Africa)





Government/ Think Tank

Richard Koch, USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, Spanish Study (Florida)

Samantha Andrews, Council for Foreign Relations (New York)

Robert Gallic, Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness (New Jersey)

Ryan Jacobson, Council on Competitiveness (Washington DC)

RG Homeland Security

Sam's Summer


Language Immersion Scholarship Assistance (LISA)

Betamina Coronel, French Study (France)

Pierrepont Johnson, French Study (France)

Elizabeth Shaw, French Study (France)

Alexandra Strzempko, Spanish Study (Peru)

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Private Sector

Mary Frances Wines, Ernst & Young (New York)

Nathan Birhanu, Nomura Securities (New York)

Huyen Nguyen, National Bank of Canada (New York)

Jordan Radovan, Morgan Stanley (New York)

Lodewikus Lombaard, St. Gallen’s Wings of Excellence (Switzerland), Ernst and Young (New York), Spanish Study (Spain)

Pan Yang, Bank of China (China)

Alexei Zoubine, Jordan Edmiston Group (New York) 

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