IPED Co-Hosts Nobel Laureate, Angus Deaton, at “The Health of Nations” Conference

On September 24th, 2020, the IPED program had the distinct honor of hosting Angus Deaton, 2015 Nobel laureate in economics and author of “The Great Escape: Health, Wealth, and the Origins of Inequality”, as the keynote speaker of the biennial conference “The Health of Nations”.

Our co-hosts included CAPP-USA and America Media and sponsorship by The Joan & Bill Hank Center, The Bernardin Center, IACS, Markkula Center, Lumen Christi Institute, Boston College, Fordham Center on Religion and Culture, Fordham University, & the McGrath Institute.

The conference was moderated by Professor Joseph Kaboski of the University of Notre Dame and included presentations and discussions by both Angus Deaton and Bishop Frank Caggiano, Chairman of the Catholic Relief Services Board of Directors.

Photos by: Stefani Nicole Alcantar IPED ’23

Each panelist shared their views and insights on addressing poverty and development issues through their lens of expertise. Mr. Deaton notably spoke of the fallacies in our current approach to development through aid, and the severe long-term harm that this could have on “developing” nations. Bishop Caggiano raised concerns of significant cultural phenomena that he believes affect our society, and in turn they way we approach world problems. Towards the end of the conference, each panelist had the opportunity to address some of the conflicting ideals between their approaches to development. A passive route was taken of accepting the other’s belief system for what it is.

Click here to watch the full conference.

Our IPED graduate assistants played a meaningful role in the logistics of this event, ensuring that different components ran smoothly. They also had the opportunity to observe the conference and meet the panelists.

see their photos below: