IPED Career Talks with US-UN, UNICEF, and tour of UN HQ

Last October 20, 2023 the Fordham IPED 2025 Cohort visited various United Nations offices in Manhattan, New York for career talks. As a yearly activity for IPED students, the new cohort was excited to spend the day together and listen to IPED alumni and other speakers about their career options at the United Nations and its various programmes and departments.

They started the day at the United States Mission to the United Nations (USUN), where they learned about the US Foreign Service program and what work is like for a country mission to the United Nations.

After lunch, the IPED 2025 Cohort met with IPED Alumni at the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) Emergency Operations Department, where students learned about possible career opportunities in the organization.

The group ended the day with a tour of the United Nations Headquarters, where they learned more about the United Nations’ origins and history, and the organization’s role in humanitarian aid and development in the world today.

Unleashing Potential, Igniting Passions. View past IPED students’ profiles.

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