IPED at the 2017 Concordia Summit

2017 Concordia Summit

On September 18th and 19th five IPED students, Brian Harper, Robyn Emory-Murray, Mohammed Rahman, Kelsey Garcia, and Jessica Way, attended the 2017 Concordia Summit in New York.

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and Fox News, The Five Co-host, Dana Pruitt

The 2017 Concordia Annual Summit was a 2-day convening of over 2,000 leaders, influencers and decision makers working to drive transformative action by building partnerships for social impact. Each year the Summit takes place at the beginning of the United Nations General Assembly Week. Videos of the summit for Day 1 and Day 2 are on Youtube.

Current and former First Ladies: Michel Sidibe, Laura Bush, H.E. Monica Geingos, Lorena Castillo
Rt. Honorable Tony Blair, Former Prime Minister of the U.K., and Susan Glasser, Colunist for POLITICO

“Within the span of several hours, we heard presidents and prime ministers, several First Ladies, and leaders in the public and private sectors from all over the world. A remarkable range of topics were covered, from the refugee crisis and global conflict to farming, climate change, hyper-partisanship, and information overload. Concordia was a great way to get a sense of the most pressing challenges and opportunities facing the world and to hear from some of the people who are at the forefront of efforts to address these issues.” – Brian Harper

Rob Fraley, World Food Prize Laureate, speaking on modern agriculture

“I really appreciated the diverse approaches to solving the world’s challenges that were represented, ranging from art to science and technology to policy solutions, as well as the contrasting viewpoints that were shared from both sides of the aisle.” – Kelsey Garcia

Cherie Blair, Andrew Forrest, Scott Price, Stuart Pann, and Richard Edelman on Modern Slavery

“I really appreciated the opportunity to listen to thought leaders in specific fields, whether that be intergovernmental poverty initiatives, the reality of modern slavery, or ways to use music and the arts to meet and solve global challenges. Diversity of thought can only speed the road to possible solutions for the biggest issues facing our world today.” – Robyn Emory-Murray