2016 United Nations Career Trip


On Friday, October 21, the Fordham IPED Class of 2018 was invited to the United Nations Headquarters in New York for the annual United Nations Career Day.

IPEDers in front of the UN
IPEDers in front of the UN


The students began their day at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), where they heard from Dr. Jamison Ervin, the manager of the Global Biodiversity Programme, about the Equator Initiative. Next Verania Chao spoke about mainstreaming gender issues and the UNDP’s effort to ensure that development initiatives are benefiting both men and women for more effective and efficient results. Last, Maria Fare Garcia from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Action Initiative spoke about her role in creating awareness of the SDGs and connecting with people the goals are meant to support in an effort to ensure their needs are being considered. Each of these phenomenal women also spoke about their career paths and how they found themselves working for the UNDP.

Some IPEDer listening to the UNDP speakers
Some IPEDer listening to the UNDP speakers
Moses Cam is very New York here, eating a bagel and cream cheese before the UNDP Presentations
Moses Cam is very New York here, eating a bagel and cream cheese before the UNDP Presentations
(from left) Maria Fare Garcia, Jamison Ervin, and Verania Chao answer questions from the IPED students
(from left) Maria Fare Garcia, Jamison Ervin, and Verania Chao answer questions from the IPED students


Next, the IPEDers visited the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and met with Yuka Yakamoto. Ms. Yakamoto spoke about the different positions within UNICEF and discussed avenues through which one can find a position with the organization.

Yuka Sakamoto addresses IPED and speaks about ways to get a position with UNICEF
Yuka Sakamoto addresses IPED and speaks about ways to get a position with UNICEF
Ms. Sakamoto accepts a token of appreciation (IPED coffee mug) from IPEDer Crisostomo Ala, who organized the UN Trip
Ms. Sakamoto accepts a token of appreciation (IPED coffee mug) from IPEDer Crisostomo Ala, who organized the UN Trip


Following the visit to UNICEF was lunch at the Delegates Dining Hall at the UN.

Cody Harder, Michael Johnson, and Jessica Way pose at the Delegates Dining Hall
Edward Barbini and Angeli Diamante enjoying delicious cake for dessert.


After the delicious fare, IPED headed off to their last meeting with former IPED graduate Kevin Lynch and Jason Laurence at the United States Mission to the UN. Messrs. Lynch and Laurence told of their journey to their current positions and then answered questions.

The students ended their day touring the UN.

IPEDers Owen Fitzgerald, Viktoriia Brezheniuk, Crisostomo Ala, and Luther Flagstad outside the United Nations

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