2015 United Nations Career Trip

On Friday, October 30th, Fordham IPEDers spent the day at the United Nations, learning about some of the UN agencies and the important work they do.

The day started with a visit to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).  IPED recipients of the Arrupe Fellowship serve as interns at the UNDP during their time at IPED.

Eileen de Ravin, Program Manager of the Equator Initiative, introduced the group to careers at the UN and UNDP specifically.

The day continued at the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

Lilliana Carvajal, Statistics and Monitoring Specialist at UNICEF, is an IPED alumna.
Lilliana Carvajal, Statistics and Monitoring Specialist at UNICEF, is an IPED alumna.
Hiro Hattori, from the Data & Analytics section at UNICEF, presented research on the Out of School Children Initiative.
Hiro Hattori, from the Data & Analytics section at UNICEF, presented research on the Out of School Children Initiative.

Lunch was served at the Delegates Dining Room of the United Nations.

IPED alumni from the UN joined for lunch!
IPED alumni from the UN joined for lunch!

After lunch, the tour continued across the street at the U.S. Mission to the UN.

Kevin Lynch, Civil Service Officer and IPED alumnus, spoke about this work with the U.S. Department of State. He was joined by a colleague in the Foreign Service, and a student intern with the department.
Kevin Lynch, Civil Service Officer and IPED alumnus, spoke about his work with the U.S. Department of State. He was joined by a colleague in the Foreign Service, and a student intern with the department.

The day concluded with an official tour of the United Nations.

The UN Security Council meets in this beautiful room.
The UN Security Council meets in this beautiful room.

IPED students had the chance to learn about the history and current work of United Nations, speak to IPED alumni about how the program impacted their careers, and explore the possibility of working with the UN in the future.




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