Winter Merienda ’01

The event was held at Fordham’s Faculty Lounge and the recipient of the Matteo Ricci Award for Academic Excellence was the Rev. Juan Molina, O.S.S.T. (El Salvador). The recipients of the International Peace and Development Travel Scholarships were Mr. Greg Bastian (USA) and Fr. Juan Molina, O.S.S.T. (El Salvador).

The Matteo Ricci Award

Fr. Juan receives the Ricci Award from Dean Busch.


Dean Baumgarth awarded Greg and Juan their IPD Travel Scholarships. They will intern for six months with the Southern African Regional Office of Catholic Relief Services.

Dr. Crystal inducts Vielca, Sara, Greg, Alexandra, Jaimee, Ray, Sonal, Christina, Emre, Juan, and Diomaris into the International Relations Honor Society.
Dean Busch awards Musah, Vielca, Jay, Christina, Emre, Israly, Ray, and Sonal their Advanced Certificates in Emerging Markets and Country Risk Analysis. Dr. Schwalbenberg awards IPED Appreciation Certificates to Ms. Patty Tsikitikos and Mr. Tony DeCarlo for their generous efforts as Admissions Officers on behalf of the IPED Program.

Dean Busch congratulates Emre and Juan for their High Passes on the Comprehensives.

Dean Busch congratulates Sonal for her Pass with Distinction in Economic and Political Analysis on the Comprehensives.