Oxford Expert on Multidimensional Poverty Visits Fordham University

Through a special funding support from the Offices of the Fordham Deans, the Fordham IPED Program was able to invite Dr. Christian Oldiges, Director of Policy Research at the Oxford Poverty and Human Development (OPHI) to hold a special lecture on Multidimensional Index at the Rose Hill Campus on March 3, Tuesday.

The session with Dr. Oldiges included a  lecture on the construction of multidimensional poverty measures, and a presentation of the 2018 Global Multidimensional Poverty Index. He also highlighted findings generated by OPHI’s monitoring of the adequate housing indicator.

The lecture was attended by Fordham faculty, students and student researchers who are part of the Fordham Francis Index (FFI) team. Launched in 2016, and released annually, the FFI  is composed of seven primary indicators that incorporates both material well being and spiritual freedom measures. One of the seven components of the FFI, housing, uses the indicator access to adequate housing which is monitored and published by OPHI.