Fordham IPED’s 2023 Washington DC Trip: Insights & Impact

A trip that Fordham IPED students look forward to the most is the annual career trip to Washington DC. The cohort started the day early, and stopped by the Catholic Relief Services office in Baltimore where we were introduced to different areas of work in international development as well as what career opportunities were available.

From there, the IPED students made their way to Washington DC for a lunch and working session with alumni representatives from the International Trade Administration (ITA). They shared their journeys in working in government and discussed the challenges in the global market and their work with foreign trade partners. They discussed different career prospects as well as tips about Presidential Management Fellowship (PMF) Program, which is highly recommended for students interested in government career lines.

In the afternoon, we had a career session with United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The IPED students met with alumni who spoke about their work with USAID. We had a very productive discussion about different career trajectories and opportunities, and learned more about international development work and the different organizations involved.

We wrapped up the day with an alumni networking dinner. Fordham IPED alumni from the DC area joined to connect and talk about their IPED experience, career prospects, and work. The networking dinner was both enjoyable and rewarding, expanding our connections within the broader IPED community.

On the second day, we visited the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). At the CSIS, we discussed the organization’s role in conducting research and providing analysis on a range of global issues, including security, economics, and energy. We discussed the career opportunities within think tanks, and learned more about internship roles that we could apply for in the summer.

During our time at the USDA, we met with Fordham IPED alumni and gained insights into the agency’s initiatives in fostering sustainable agriculture and global food security. Additionally, we delved into the USDA’s endeavors to boost trade and spur economic development. The alumni also discussed their career journeys and potential career opportunities for us to explore.

The career trip gave us the opportunity to gain a deep understanding of the career trajectories and essential skills necessary for success within some of Washington D.C.’s government and non-government organizations. We returned to New York with a heightened awareness of the challenges and opportunities in this field, along with a renewed sense of enthusiasm and inspiration for our future careers.

Unleashing Potential, Igniting Passions. View past IPED students’ profiles.

Learn more about Fordham University’s IPED Program.

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