(Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe)
The Catholic Bishops of Southern African have designated this coming Sunday, February 15, as Zimbabwe Sunday, a day of prayer and giving for Zimbabwe. On that Sunday, Fordham’s Campus Ministry will be collecting money for Zimbabwe which will be used to purchase needed food and medicine. Church leaders have described the situation in Zimbabwe as a “passive genocide.” Zimbabwe is very close and dear to Fordham’s IPED Program. For nearly a decade we had relied on Zimbabwe as our primary field site for training relief and development workers. For example, some of our IPED students trained in Zimbabwe are currently working in the Congo (Siria), Afghanistan (Matt M), the Sudan (Tracy), Senegal (Papa), Indonesia (Dean), and the Philippines (John A). We are very much indebted to the many Zimbabweans who hosted and taught our students.
(Great Zimbabwe) (Matopos, Zimbabwe)
If you wish to contribute to this campaign, checks should be made out to “Campus Ministry” with “Zimbabwe Sunday” written in the note section. Checks can be sent to Campus Ministry, McGinley Center, Fordham University, Bronx, NY 10458. Campus Ministry will then forward all the funds they receive to the Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference in Pretoria, South Africa. The funds will then be used to purchase food and medicine in South Africa that will then be shipped to Zimbabwe and distributed to the most needy through the various local Caritas organizations (what we normally refer to as Catholic Charities in the United States).
(Harare Catholic Cathedral, Zimbabwe)