Climate Change and Bread Basket Failures: a UN Side Event

Last month, the United Nations held a side event entitled “Climate Change
and Bread Basket Failures.” Sponsored by Fordham University’s IPED
program and CARITAS Internationalis, the event was guided by
speakers Joseph Cornelius Donnelly (Permanent Delegate to the United
Nations), Professor Henry Schwalbenberg (Director of Fordham
University’s Graduate Program in Political Economy and Development),
and Professor Andrew Simons (Professor of Economics at Fordham
University). Attendees, including IPED students and staff of relevant UN agencies, contributed to the interactive discussion.

The September forum focused on the impact climate change has had and continues to have on food security. Professor Simons commented on the latest report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN IPCC). In addition, Professor Schwalbenberg presented the 2019 Fordham Francis Index Report.  The Fordham Francis Index is a multi-
dimensional poverty index that monitors recent global trends in Food,
Water, Housing, Employment, Education, Gender and Religious