Alumni Career Nite ’12

We held our Networking Nite in the 12th Floor Lounge of the Lowenstein Buidling at our Lincoln Center Campus in Midtown Manhattan. From our previous career trips to Washington, DC and the United Nations, our students have had many opportunities to meet our alumni in the public sector.  We therefore thought that it might be best to use our New York Career Nite to focus on opportunities in the private sector and in civil society.  About half of our alumni are employed in the private sector, primarily as financial analysts and management consultants, another quarter are in government , usually as economists and analysts, and about 15% work in civil society, usually overseas as project managers with relief and development organizations.


Mr. Matthew Ladd, Class of 2009, works as a Transfer Pricing Economist with Ernst & Young and gave us some insights into his work as a management consultant. Ms. Meg Gardinier, Class of 1983 is the Director of Arigatou International in New York and spoke about advocacy work on behalf of children and women in the poorer parts of the globe. She also reflected on Fordham’s and IPED’s Jesuit traidiion as a source of inspiration. Ms. Haolin Li, Class of 2011 is an analyst with the French international banking group Societe Generale and spoke about her work in international banking.



Our alumni distributed the various awards.  Matthew and Erin each received an Arrupe Field Placement check of $4,000.  Matthew will be working in Latin America on youth work force development projects, while Erin will be in Africa working on micro finance projects.  John and Michelle each received a Public Service Field Placement check of $4,000.  Michelle with be interning is Africa with the Untied States Agency for International Development, while John has been invited to intern in Washington, DC with the State Department.


Arrupe Field Placement


Public Service Field Placement

Ramon and Jennifer each received a check of $4,000 to support their summer activities as Bennett Fellows.  We also acknolweged  the various recipients of our Summer Intern Fellowships whose awards averaged about $2,000 each.


Bennett Fellows


IPED Summer Intern Fellows

Sean, Bea, and Elizabeth won Language Immersion Study Awards to study French overseas, while Nikko will travel to Cairo to study Arabic.


Language Immersion Study Awards

And finally we acknowledged our students selected for our August study tour of Emerging Markets in South Africa.


Emerging Markets: South Africa Travel Scholars


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