Arrupe Summer Fieldwork ’03

As part of their Arrupe Fellowships, two IPED students spent the summer of 2003 completing field work assignments overseas. Mr. Matthew McGarry spent his summer in South Africa as a Project Assistant/Impact Assesor for the Limpopo Economic Development Enterprise, while Mr. Joseph Kelly worked in and around Recife, Brazil where he brushed up on his Portuguese and also worked as a Micro Finance Intern with the Menonite Central Committee. Their field work assignments were funded by Fordham University.
Mr. Matthew McGarry had experience working in the various divisions of the Limpopo Economic Development Enterprise ranging from small business finance to tourism promotion.  He also was able to visit a number of their branch offices throughout the Limpopo Valley.

The Limpopo Valley of South Africa is spectacular.

Mr. Joseph Kelly combined Portuguese language training and work with the Menonite Central Committee as a Micro Finance Intern.  In this position he was able to visit and evaluate a number of Micro Finance development programs in and around Recife in Northeast Brazil.

Each year the IPED Program uses Arrupe Fellowships to attract highly qualified individuals who have a strong interest in pursuing careers with private voluntary international relief and development organizations.  As part of their fellowships they are expected to complete an overseas summer field assignment between their first and second years of studies.