Winter Merienda ’00

The event was held at Fordham’s Faculty Lounge and the recipient of the Matteo Ricci Award for Academic Excellence was Mr. David Price (USA). The recipients of the International Peace and Development Travel Scholarships were Ms. Siria Maniam (Malaysia) and Ms. Savita Pawnday (India).
The Matteo Ricci Award

David receives the Ricci Award from Professors Diulio and Schwalbenberg.


Siria and Savita receive their IPD Travel Scholarships from Dean Baumgarth.
 Siria, Savita, Bruno, Asli, Cassandra, Triloki, Elizabeth,  and David are inducted into the International Relations Honor Society.

John, Triloki and Deepali receive their Advanced Certificates in Emerging Markets and Country Risk Analysis.

David and Savita receive their gifts from Dr. Reagle for thier High Passes on the Comprehensives.

Siria and Ellen recieved their gifts for their Passes with Distinction in Political Science on the Comprehensives.

Kelli received her gift for her Pass with Distinction in Economics and Political Science on the Comprehensives.